about the author

Stephen ‘Hippie Kushi’ Cox has lived an interesting life. After leaving home at 16 due to a difficult childhood, he took refuge with some ‘artistic’ friends at a squat in London’s King’s Cross.Following a brief stint working as a rent boy in Earl’s Court, a lucky break led to an initial career in catering back in Brighton, where he made some great friends.When a good friend took a job in London, Stephen decided to flat share with him, after being offered a job at the BBC and ITV studios.A few years later, a chance of a lifetime fell in his lap; he signed up to work as a teacher in The Gambia for a year. This experience then resulted in a complete change of career. At the age of 45, Stephen went to university to study psychotherapy. Sadly, soon after graduating, he was diagnosed with a serious health condition, leading to some challenging years.But then, he discovered Goa and the wonderful hippie scene there, and everything changed forever.

about the book

Most people as they get older tend to forget about themselves. It seems to be a normal part of the process of life and it happens to the best of us. We forget to reach our own potential because we are far too focused on bringing up a family, working long hours to pay off the mortgage and bills, locked into the cycle of the never-ending treadmill of work and career. It is easy to lose our way and disregard our own existential well-being.Suddenly one day thirty years later, we say to ourselves, ‘What happened to the person I used to be, what happened to my life? We used to be fun, go to parties, dance the night away at night clubs and have loads of crazy friends.’ Your social life now consists of a bottle of wine at home watching TV. Your friends are getting fewer and fewer because over the years you have focused on everybody else except yourselves.My name is Stephen Cox, I am 55 years old and I describe myself as a modern hippie. I am spiritual, forward-thinking, a traveller of the world and a lover of life. I paint my brow with the colours of the rainbow, I wear bright multi-coloured clothes and beads and I dance with my whirly friends all through the night. I am happy! I have found hippie happiness, I have found Hippie Kushi and I would love it if you find it too.



My book, Hippie Kushi Waking up to Life, was reviewed by a reader on Facebook. The reviewer praised the book as, “I cannot put it down!! it has taken me back to my first ever visit to Shoreditch Wh ........


A reader on Facebook left this wonderful review of my book.Stephen Cox book arrived 2 hours ago, and I cannot put it down!! it has taken me back to my first ever visit to Shoreditch Whirl-y-Gig and ........


I’m thrilled to announce that my autobiographical book, Hippie Kushi Waking up to Life, is out now.Watch the book release video below and get a copy here.https://www.austinmacauley.com/book/hippie-ku ........



I suddenly realised the other day that it is finally happening, a new summer of love is coming and we can all be part of it.In the 1960s, political and racial assassinations, racism and bigotry, and ........


I just read that 📕 (book) and I just see my own life inside 😇😇😇is a book for those who looking for happiness, for those who looking to get out from between 4 walls or run from every day life for th ........


What a wonderful first week after the book launch. Many people sent me photos of themselves receiving my book. Also a dear friend took me out to lunch to celebrate the release and I got hold of my f ........


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